Web + Brand + Visual Design:
45th Parallel Wines
- Conceptualize identity and branding, from logo through all visual assets
- Collaborate with stakeholders throughout lifecycle of product
- Modify Squarespace template to fit branding needs
- Skills and Technologies used: HTML5, CSS3, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Illustrator CC, Squarespace Admin UX
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Visual + Brand Identity Design:
Ashoka Style Guide
- As Ashoka visual designer lead, researched and gathered company branding material
- Assembled and co-led multinational team of communications leads
- Designed consensus-built Ashoka Branding and Style Guide
- Skills and Technologies: InDesign, Illustrator CC
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Visual Design + UI/UX:
Ashoka Marketing Newsletter
- Challenge: design an up-to-date Ashoka brand newsletter from an older template
- Create a library of brand refresh visual assets for future donation newsletters
- Optimized email template for DotDigital platform
- Skills and Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, UI/UX, DotDigital email platform
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Graphic Design
Drøm Printed and Marketing Materials
- Design visuals inline with Drøm's marketing initiatives
- Prep and send files for CMYK offset printing
- Develop a consistent visual language across all touch points of the Drøm brand
- Skills and Technologies: Illustrator CC, Photoshop CC, Product Photography
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Visual Design + UI/UX:
GetIt Job Search Portal Wireframe
- Hi-fidelity mockup re-design proposal for start-up company GetIt, providing a one-stop-shop search platform for jobs and more
- Pitch and present design concepts to CEO and other stakeholders
- Skills and Technologies used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator CC, InVision, User Interface Design/UX,
InVision Mockup
Graphic Design + Marketing:
Digital Ads + Gifs
- Design digital graphic assets both static and animated (gifs) to support marketing initiatives
- Adhere to guidelines and company style guides
- Deploy variants across a spectrum of digital platforms, including Instagram, Twitter, to email blasts
- Skills and Technologies: Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, After Effects CC
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