JavaScript Coding + UI Design:
Memory Matching Game
- Code a jQuery, web-based app that lets the user play a memory-matching game
- Responsive design for desktop, tablets and phones/small devices
- View project specs on Github
- Skills and Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery/JavaScript, UI/UX
Play Game
JavaScript Coding + UI/UX:
Pixel Art Maker
- Code a jQuery, web based app that allows the user to create pixels and change their colors
- Optimize for desktop and tablets 1020px and up
- Project submission for Udacity Front End Web Development Nanodegree
- View project specs on Github
- Skills and Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery/JavaScript, UI/UX, syncing my left and right brain hemispheres
Play App
Object Oriented JS Coding:
Arcade Game Clone
- Udacity Nanodegree Project
- Apply JSON, functional classes, JavaScript concepts learnt to refactor a 'Frogger' arcade game
- View project specs on Github
- Skills and Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Object Oriented JavaScript
Play Game
Web Page Design + UI/UX:
GetIt Job Search Portal Wireframe
- Hi-fidelity mockup re-design proposal for start-up company GetIt, providing a one-stop-shop search platform for jobs and more
- Pitch and present design concepts to CEO and other stakeholders
- Skills and Technologies used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator CC, InVision, User Interface Design/UX,
InVision Mockup
Web + Brand Identity Design:
45th Parallel Wines
- Conceptualize identity and branding, from logo through all visual assets
- Collaborate with stakeholders throughout lifecycle of product
- Modify Squarespace template to fit branding needs
- Skills and Technologies used: HTML5, CSS3, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Illustrator CC, Squarespace Admin UX
Visit Live Site
Web Design + UI/UX:
MyNCTM Wireframe
- Hi-fidelity mockup for NCTM community platform landing page
- Design visual and graphic assets
- Skills and Technologies used: Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Illustrator CC, InVision
InVision Mockup
Web + Brand Identity Design:
Drøm Peppercorns
- Conceptualize identity and branding, from logo through all visual assets
- Modify Shopify Liquid code and SCSS to match preliminary visual proposal. View moodboard (PDF)
- Skills and Technologies used: HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Illustrator CC, Shopify Liquid markup
InVision Mockup
Web Page Design + UI/UX:
I Love Math Campaign
- Create visuals through competition research for member acquisition landing page
- Delight users with engaging, fun UI
- Optimize visual/graphic assets for multiple endpoints, from Twitter through Instagram, to t-shirts and large scale banners
- Skills and Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, UI/UX, CMS, Bootstrap, Illustrator CC
Visit Live Page
Web + Brand Identity Design:
Liquid Lab
- Use HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript to code a landing page for fictitious company "LiquidLab"
- Conceptualize identity and branding.
- Responsive and mobile first
- Visual design graphic icons, UI buttons and patterns
- Skills and Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Photoshop, Illustrator
View Live Prototype